currently obsessed with this song and Chris August in general. Every time this song comes on the radio, I am reminded of how forgiven I am and how we are called to forgive others. sometimes in my life i get caught up in the shoulda woulda couldas and get legalistic about love. i think, i CAN'T possibly forgive him for dropping the clothes there again, or I TOLD you to take the dishes to the sink, or PLEASE don't even try and talk to me about THAT, or YOU know that i need this right now, and every other silly sin I can pin on someone else...
then i hear this verse in my head.
7x70 times
I'm no mathematician
but I haven't reached it yet
there is no limit to God's grace and forgiveness
and being like Him there should be no limit to ours.
a very wise man (my father) told me once that the most successful people have the shortest memories. counterintuitve? perhaps. but the point is, you have to forgive and FORGET, wipe that slate clean and move on. hit the reset button and put the right in front of the left.
forgiveness its a beautiful thing. without it, think where we would all be. take me one step closer to that unconditional love stuff please.
oh and don't forget about forgiving yourself. xoxo Em
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
hopeFUL romantic food
grew up on R&H and believing breaking out into a smash-hit musical number was completely natural. and why not. here's to hopeFUL romantics everywhere.
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Breakfast at Tiffany's |
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My Fair Lady--this is where my idea of making an entrance. One of the reasons I love the DG house so much, GREAT spiral/making an entrance staircase. |
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"Nothing comes from Nothing, Nothing ever could." |
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Chocolate! A girl's best friend. |
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"Kissing the War Goodbye" never gets old. |
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"Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy" What a Heart Throb. |
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Meet Me in St. Louis--a perfect Christmas movie and all the time movie. |
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
there have definitely been some moments this month where i was homesick/missed being in a familiar place/wanted to be home for a performance, or birthday party. and there will probably be more of those moments later in the month--
but last night God sent me the sweetest little surprise called a "visit from jen rose." see her in the beautiful blue dress here:
on Sunday. isnt' she beautiful? and getting married!!
so whether you are far from home or right there, don't miss the chance to visit with those you love and be thankful for that time! i am going to quit my bellyaching and watch for more chances for unexpected visits with those i LOVE. xoxo Em
but last night God sent me the sweetest little surprise called a "visit from jen rose." see her in the beautiful blue dress here:
britt blay also came to hang out with us--and it is so so wonderful when you can just pick up right where you left off, which is how i ALWAY feel with these girls. it doesn't matter if it has been months or days, it just seems like last minute we were together. i am so grateful for that and for them. jen is such an encourager & so fun to be with. her life is full of love and she loves so many people and so many things. her interests vary from broadway to insurance, if you can imagine that, & its so fun to listen to her talk. Also got a phone call from Beth who always drains the phone battery (thankfully) which was another blessing. I told jen last night, i said, "If Beth walked in that door I don't think I would even scream. I would just hug her and say, hey, where'd you go?" she's always here!
i also got to see this little cutie
so whether you are far from home or right there, don't miss the chance to visit with those you love and be thankful for that time! i am going to quit my bellyaching and watch for more chances for unexpected visits with those i LOVE. xoxo Em
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
happy february birthdays. lots of love this month.
if you know me you know that my february is full of birthdays. it is weird how worked up about february i get-let me be honest. so instead of fretting over what to get who, and when i can deliver said gift, and how much they will like it, (do you love my worrying, im a natural...) i decided i would pay a little love to my february birthdays early, just to get everyone revved up for this wonderful month. please don't feel lumped together (i have been accused, by ahem, KURT) just feel loved this month in the month of L-O-V-E.
Allison Ferris is many things, but most of all, she is the kind of friend you pray God will give you someday. There when you need her the most, in the best or worst situations. Not afraid to hold your hand when you are sick, able to listen when you need kind truth, and ready to enjoy life to the very fullest. Her heart makes Valentines Day look like a drop in the bucket on the love scale. She loves the people God has given her in her life, and if y'all are just now being introduced, give her 2 minutes and she will have made a connection with you over your mother's brother's sister-in-law, and y'all will be on your way to a sincere friendship.
I came up with a phrase the other day "Keep Calm and Carrie On." When I get into a tough situation, I think about those words and think about what Momma would do. As cheesy as it sounds, I want to grow up into her. She amazes me with her ability to take any everyday thing and make it SO much fun. She doesn't wait for the big party, or Christmas, or a wedding to enjoy herself. She has fun everyday. Whether she is playing Words-With-Friends (which she is really good at. don't play her if you value your time/life. you can't beat her) or working at Parkgate, she is just having the time of her life. Her life is not a walk in the park. She is raising 6 kids (yes, I still count) and has had a life of getting spilled on, long nights sitting up with stomach-bug-children, going without so that her kids could have more, and just all-out-sacrificing for the ones she loves. But the thing is, she doesn't make it look like work. She LOVES life, the Lord, and gives everything and all the glory to Him.
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Allie |
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Carrie (Momma) on the Left |
B-Ri |
Ever since my brother Brian could talk, he had this habit of saying things under his breath. He was always making funny comments so that a few people could hear. He has the best sense of humor for a kid who is the youngest boy of 6. He is tough & sweet at the same time. I doubt he EVER reads this so I do not mind saying that he is going to make some lucky girl a hech of a man some day. I am so thankful for our relationship and so proud to be his big sister. He is truly like half of my heart.
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Elena |
Everytime I get to spend time with Lana or talk to her, or laugh with her, I end up just being like, Oh MY goodness she's the greatest! She has just a fun and refreshing way about her--so care-free and bubbly dancing on the beach type of person. But if you were to get in a bind, have her number on speed dial. TRUST her with your life. You will not be disappointed. She is Deborah-trained and her own brand of spunky fun that just makes her very special in every way.
Kurt |
What can I say about this guy? I think the picture honestly says it all. Its how much I love him, that much. Its where I would move with him (I feel like Ive already done that). Its how he makes me feel: free & easy. Its how much fun he loves/needs to have on a daily basis. Its how much he doesn't care about what other people think. Its how hard he tries to be good at the things he signed up for in life. Its how seriously (not very) he takes himself.
If there was one human on this earth more opposite than me, I would really like to meet that person. I really would.
But the thing is, I am pretty darn sure I already have. God dropped him into my life, I fell in love, then I married him, now I am doing this crazy thing called living with him & trying to figure out what it all means...
What Madden football is, what tea he likes to drink and when, and what he is going to say or what story he is going to tell next. Its kinda like that favorite CD that you have? and you can predict which track comes next because you listen to it on the daily. Its like that. One song finishes and already you are hearing the notes of another song. Not your song, but one you know by heart and can sing without missing a beat.
Thank goodness for February.
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