Tuesday, September 21, 2010

testing 1 2 3

this week Kurt has tests so it is his long week--you know how test weeks are.  He sits in the chair and pretty much has his noise blocking head phones on and studies...some say study, i kind of felt like he was ignoring me, personally.

Now i wasn't upset, I knew, (as he likes to remind me) when I met him of his love for school, his passion for studying. . .basically i knew he was a nerd. :-) (sorry Kurt) but that has been something I have always known about him.  but it is one thing to think about marrying someone who is constantly mentally elsewhere and actually marrying someone who is mentally elsewhere.  occassionally he will shout "Hey Emily. . .will you make me some coffee??" (Remember they are noise blocking earphones.  )

And I am soooo sweetie that I reply, yes I will but let me finish what I'm doing.  (It kind of reminds me of Ella Enchanted who had to do whatever anyone said, but not WHEN they said to do it? Haha.)

At any rate let's just say not as cheerful as I should be.

Then I find out I have to have this little heart proceedure done. It is not a big deal, basically outpatient, but it has been time consuming and I have had to visit many a doctor.  I will have to go in and let one doctor put me to sleep while another man looks at my heart using technology that I don't understand and fixes a defect I didn't know I had...


Today I had a revelation.  I feel like perhaps, just perhaps, God has thrown this wrench in my life at this time (during test week mind you) so that I can understand FIRST HAND the importance of GOOD DOCTORS.  I  mean, don't you WANT your doctor to know everything there is to know, to sit in his chair and study constantly, if there is a question don't you WANT him to find the answer, if there is a problem, don't you WANT him to be able to solve it? Kind of makes you want to say, "Everyone be quiet, leave him alone, he is doing very important work over there!!"  or "Leave him alone, wifey, make him his coffee and give him his brain food.  Some day down the road he's going to need this stuff and it may be a life threatening situation!!"

I know K will be a great doctor.  I know that whoever is lucky and patient enough to be his patient will be in the best hands in the world. But of course, we already all are in God's hands.  He loves us and wants to take care of us.  So  not only is medical school important, or being a understanding wife, etc, but being an individual who is willing to surrender to people who are doing their jobs the best way they know how, trying to serve 100 % of themselves to their patients/customers/students/coworkers.  Too often I only see Kurt as my husband, but I also want to remember to see Kurt as your doctor.  I'm going to make that cup of coffee now, so that he will remember what he needs to know, when you need him to know it.

Love you.

1 comment:

  1. Em, I love your insight. Keep up the thought provoking posts.

    Love you!
    Rachel Taggart
